

Page history last edited by ralphrmartin 14 years ago

The Geometric Modelling Society


The Geometric Modelling Society was founded in the UK in 1984 to further research in geometric modelling for CAD and other applications among the UK's academic and industrial community. Its current members (with links to their home pages) are, in alphabetical order: 

Cecil Armstrong, Queen's University, Belfast

Alan Ball, University of Birmingham

Alexander Belyaev, Heriot-Watt University

Adrian Bowyer, University of Bath

Stephen Cameron, Oxford University

Patrick Campbell-Preston, Aveva

Jonathan Corney, University of Strathclyde

Robert Cripps, University of Birmingham

Graham Jared

Frank C Langbein, Cardiff University

David Lavender, Spatial Technology

Ralph Martin, Cardiff University

Alan Middleditch, Janus Computer Systems

Glen Mullineux, University of Bath

Alex Pasko, Bournemouth University

Joe Pitt-Francis, Oxford University

Mihailo Ristic, Imperial College

Malcolm Sabin

Irina Voiculescu, Oxford University


One piece of joint work carried out by various members of the Geometric Modelling Society was the Djinn project, developing a modeller independent API for solid modelling. The Djinn Specification and Report is available online.


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